Boozer Cruisers On Tour

Whilst Dad was a Driving Instructor in Northampton, The Northants Driving Instructors Boozer Cruisers were formed!. I had the fortune (misfortune!) of joining them on trips to Brussels and Poland. We all had a really great time (until Dad tipped me out of my wheelchair in Poland!). Hope you like the photos taken in Brussels in 2006. You will also see quite of few of the gang at my birthdays…..basically anywhere where drink is involved!!

"My past ... my present ... my future"

4 responses

  1. Hi Tom
    This is Jan, Graham the plumbers wife. I have been looking through
    all your photos. Wow you have done so many amazing activities. I LOVE your dog , When you next see Graham suggest to him he buys me one :). It looks like you have a wonderful team to keep you busy and you keep them busy.
    I will follow your adventures with interest. Take care speak soon. Jan xxx

  2. Wow, Tom, this is an amazing web site and blog all about you and your eventful life! It sets the standard for the new mode for autobiographies! You’ve enjoyed some amazing experiences and I’ll look forward to reading about many more in the future!

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Tom James

Hi – my name is Tom James and this is my blog. I have complex learning and physical difficulties, and I’m hoping that by showcasing how I live my day to day life you can be truly inspired.