Welcome to Part 2 of my trip to Gibraltar, and for an area of just 3 miles long and 0.75 wide, it is amazing how much there is to see and do. Today I went by bus to Europa Point, which is the southernmost point of Gibraltar. From here, you can see not only Gibraltar, but also Africa and Spain…..well sort of! You can see from the photos that both the lighthouse (Gibraltar) and Africa were covered in fog, yet Spain next door was in lovely sunshine. This may explain why some flights to Gibraltar are moved to Malaga. So, what else have I been up to? Well, I have been to a nearby bar called Hustle ‘N’ Flow which have started a happy hour between 4pm and 5pm, visited Ocean Village where I saw The Irish Bar (coincidentally where Dad and Debra are moving close by too!), The Sunborn Cruise liner, and Casino! I have also been into the town and bought some new clothes. We also visited a very nice park to see the cruise ships, and saw P&O’s Arcadia, costing, apparently $400 million to build. As the weekend officially starts at 4.30 when Debra finishes work, and Hustle ‘N’ Flow is only a minutes walk, I had better sign off!

3 responses
Well Tom, I can’t believe you and your dad spent the whole time at Europa Point playing hide and seek with us! As you now know Yvonne and myself were there at the exact time as you!
I think you were following us about 5 minutes behind! Is this call stalking 🤣
It was lovely to meet you again today shopping on Main Street and having a coffee afterwards.
See you again soon.
Thank you John, and I am looking forward to seeing you at the Boney M concert on Saturday! There is no getting out of it!
Honey M! Saturday!
I know nothing 🤐