My time in Gibraltar hasn’t been sitting down and doing nothing you know…well, it has been some of the time! Not only have I been working hard at the gym, but also meeting up with my running group friends (eh, the same friends that have a Pizza Night every Thursday!) On Saturday, I walked 1.7km to meet them at the finishing line, and the reason for doing so had absolutely nothing to do with the fact they then go straight to the nearest restaurant and tuck in to a full english breakfast! (Note some videos will not play in certain web browsers – Chrome seems fine)

16 responses
Well done Tom ! You are looking fit.
I am doing my best, the trouble in Gibraltar is you tend to eat and drink more, especially with the Happy Hour!
Tom you never stop, you are such an inspiration have a great time see you soon x
Thank You, and I am off paddleboarding tomorrow! xx
Well done Tom that’s incredible x
Thank you Lisa. Dad says you have been doing a little bit of travelling yourself lately? xx
I feel tired just watching you! Keep up the good work.
Thank you Andy. Its certainly been an energetic few weeks!
Great walking Tom and all with a smile on your face.
Thank you. I look forward to telling you all about my activities when I next see you.
I wish I’d been there! Welcome to the CorreLibre and Pizza Night gang!
Thank you for making me feel so welcome. The Pizza’s are delicious, and Dad has just booked my flights for January, and as I arrive on 15th, count me in for 16th (Mmmm coincidence?!!!)
Well done Tom, great effort
Thank you.
I’m just sat here thinking I should probably go for a run and you’ve inspired me to go and get it done! Thank you Tom!
I am off to Leeds in May to watch Dad run the half marathon. Do you want to join us?!