I recently cycled 3km in Sheringham Park and sold my etch art at a school fate. I raised £300 and gave £100 to a Cancer Charity, £100 to The Mo Museum in Sheringham, and £100 to a Dementia Charity in Holt. This was all my idea and I chose who to give the money too. The Cancer Charity was particularly poignant, as my friend John in Gibraltar has recently undergone surgery at Guys St Thomas’ Hospital in London. I am pleased to report that he is making a very good recovery and I look forward to seeing him again in January.

5 responses
Superb Tom, you really do remain active…
And I am really looking forward to seeing you in January, should be on better form than when we last met…
Love the Trike, a really cool machine.
It is great to hear you are feeling so much better John, and looking forward to seeing you at my Birthday Party.
Now that’s definitely something to look forward to 🥳
17th January – I will expect You and Yvonne at Charlies!
In my Diary