In December of the same year, I had a build up of pressure on the brain that resulted in a severe head injury. I was taken to Addenbrookes Hospital before returning to my, then, home town of Northampton General Hospital. I would like to share some photos with you, because it portrays the wonderful staff assisting me. I even had my first birthday on the ward!
I cannot remember many of your names, so if anyone recognises themselves, I would love you to make contact.
Me with my Mum Jane Me with Grandma Mavis Me as a baby Me with my consultant Omar Khawaja Me on my first birthday with Grandma Eileen and Grandad Mike
2 responses
I loved reading your blog, Tom. Your story is very inspiring and its great to hear aboiut your love for life. Funnily enough I know quite of the places that you talk about. You spent a lot of time visiting Addenbrookes Hospital when you were younger. My Mum and Dad both worked there for years and I visisted a lot when I was growing up. There are so many people there spending their lives looking after people and helping them. I’m glad that my Mum and Dad were part of that story and I’m glad that there were people there ready to help you and yoiur family. Whilst I dont have family living near Addembrookes now and haven’t visited for year reading about your time there made me think about about how hard people must have been working there this year putting their lives on the line to look after people with covid. I was also very envious when I heard that you live near Cromer and Sheringham. You are so close to the sea which is so beautiful alomg that coast. We visited near you at Bacton the summer before last just as we were coming out of the first lockdown and we fell in love with the area, especially the amazing gluten free fish and chips at Mundesley. Thanyou for sharing your inspiring stories, Tom, I will be sure to check back.
That is a wonderful comment Ed. Thanks you for taking the time to read my blog. I am just about to write another one about my Christmas tree!