Fundraising For The NHS

I was very conscious of all the support the NHS give to help the sick, especially in covid times. I therefore decided to embark on a trike ride which is not as easy for me as it is for others. It was very tiring, especially as there were so many hills! I guess the ‘what goes up, must come down’ theory helped for part of the way! It was thoroughly enjoyable, and my carer Bill accompanied me, whilst Dad took the photos. My mum was there at the beginning and end as she was responsibe for getting my motability vehicle from the starting point to the finishing post. I managed to raise £470, and presented the cheque to the staff at The Norfolk and Norwich Hospital.

"My past ... my present ... my future"

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Tom James

Hi – my name is Tom James and this is my blog. I have complex learning and physical difficulties, and I’m hoping that by showcasing how I live my day to day life you can be truly inspired.