Where Next – LEEDS?

I have been fortunte to visit so many wonderful places around the world – Florida, Las Vegas, Hollywood, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Disney Cruises, to name but a few. Dad promised me a weekend to remember, and I was so excited to find ou where, and then the bombshell – LEEDS?! Yes, Leeds, which left me speechless! On a serious note, what a fantastic weekend with Dad, Katie, Dan, Tim, Bill, and Doodles The Dog! Dad ran the Leeds Half Marathon, whilst Dan and Tim ran the Full Marathon. Over a few pints that evening, Dad entered for the FULL Marathon next year, and now that eveyone knows, he cannot get out of it!

"My past ... my present ... my future"

4 responses

  1. Dear Tom,

    I went to Leeds last year to watch the cricket, it rained so I didn’t get to see any but I really liked Leeds too. I didn’t run a half marathon though, you must have felt very proud of your dad! I look forward to hearing about your next adventure!

    Bye for Now


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Tom James

Hi – my name is Tom James and this is my blog. I have complex learning and physical difficulties, and I’m hoping that by showcasing how I live my day to day life you can be truly inspired.